Left is the direction you came from… roughly.  They’ll never expect you to go back that way!  It’s genius!  You start cautiously running along the cliff side, trying to make as little noise as possible to throw the cop off your trail.  You’ve done a good job stepping lively for about thirty yards and it looks like you’re in the clear when you put your left foot a little too close to the edge and the ground falls apart underneath it.  You tumble and roll down the hill – it’s a little less steep here than where you started – and come to rest at the bottom of the small gorge, your head supported by a smooth rock, staring into the sun, and the rest of you unable to move.  You think you might have a lot of broken bones and you pray there’re only a few real breaks, but it’s really hard to tell from this position.  If anything is broken it’s probably best not to move, but if you call for help the cop will hear for sure.  Although you do have your cell phone in your pocket…  You