”Mmhmm, um-hm…” is the next thing you hear as you struggle to open your lightly crusted eyes.  You’re in a room that is very nearly perfectly white, but actually has a slightly nauseating tinge of orange in the paint.  You’re in a very fluffy bed and your head is bandaged tightly and it takes a moment to get used to the feeling of your heart beating in your skull.  “Well, it’s good to see that you’re awake,” the Indian doctor speaks with a mild accent.  “We don’t usually see so many self-inflicted injuries, even by someone trying to escape the law.  You’re quite the fighter.”
“I’m not out, then, am I?  I’m not free?” you ask.
The doctor meets your eyes; they’re a curiously strong hue of green, “no, I’m afraid not; the police are patrolling the corridors outside the room… but I’ve managed to jam their surveillance into this room for a short while.  I have something very important to tell you.”
You narrow your eyes, which makes the bandages stretch your skin, “um, okay, what?”
“You have been chosen, young one, to become a part of the Intergalactic Green Lantern Corps.” He lifts up his right hand and shows a shiny green ring. 
“What… seriously?  Am I being punkd?  In the hospital?  That is so low.” You try to smooth your hair with your hand, but with all of the bandages just manage to bonk yourself and make your head spin a bit. 
“Oh, I am quite serious.  This is an honor and is nothing to joke about.”  The doctor pulls his lab coat open at the top to reveal a Green Lantern uniform.  He places a green mask over his eyes and reaches into his coat pocket for another green ring.  “Will you accept this great honor?”