You’ve just been sitting at this darn plastic table for what seems like hours now – the cheap plastic is starting to hurt your butt and you’ve run through pretty much every escape scenario you can think of – even the ones where the Green Lantern Corps save you – it’s too bad the cops took your phone or this whole thing could be a lot easier.  “Hmm,” you sigh, “come on… I’m hungry.” You look right at the mirror, “I’m hungry.  I’m suing for cruel and unusual punishment.  Get in here with some food.”
You wait another ten, maybe fifteen, minutes but nothing happens.  “Maybe the day is over and they’ve gone home,” you think.  “But don’t police stations have twenty-four hour patrols?  Yeah; otherwise the prisoners would escape!”
You stare at the mirror again, looking deeply into your own eyes and watching yourself slouch at the plastic table, “food.”  You look up where you think the officers’ eyes must be if they’re still watching, “I know you’re there; get me some food!”  “Gah!” You let your head bang down on the table.  “So bored…”

So what do you do next?  How do you get out?  Where is Steven, and who is he?  And where the heck are all of those cops?