The police station is to the left… roughly, so you decide to bolt through the underbrush to the right and get out of the cop’s range.  He hasn’t yelled for you to stop yet so he’s probably not quite sure what he’s dealing with; perfect.  After a few miles, your adrenaline is waning and you’re starting to get really tired but you keep moving, even though you’re pretty sure the cop gave up a long time ago.  As you take a five second break to catch your breath, you spy some kind of concrete structure through the underbrush.  The drop off is much shallower here; only about five feet; so you lower yourself down and approach the concrete structure.  It’s about eight feet tall and four feet square with a two foot square hole in the near side.  You

Just keep going; not a minute to lose and who knows what this thing is, anyway. – Proceed to (36)