You come to with far too much blood in your hands and feet.  It feels like you’re flying, but… wrong – what the heck is going on?!  Somebody big drops you onto a table and you hear a metal door slam.  Crap.  You slowly regain your senses and manage to sit up… ugh, it must’ve been the sweaty guy that carried you in here, your stomach and thighs are warm and moist.  Fantastic.  And it looks like you’re in a room pretty deep inside the station – no windows and the walls are the drab yellow of a place where the sun fears to tread.  There’s a big mirror to the left of the only door, probably a one-way piece that they’re watching you through.  You wipe off the sweat as best as you can.  Yuck.  

Time to get out of here – try the door?

They’re watching you? Better give ‘em a good view
They have no right to hold you!  Break that mirror down with a chair or two!

Maybe if you just sit quietly and show that you’re not dangerous they’ll send someone in to help...