You close your mouth and eyes and will with every fiber of your oddly immovable being to be invisible, but is that possible?  You can feel the eyes of the cop scanning the bottom of the canyon; and then they settle on you.  “Hey!” His shouts echo down the cliff like an avalanche, “I see- whoa!  Balls!”  And then you hear a real avalanche.  You squint your eyes open just in time to see a foot-sized rock – no, wait, that’s a foot-
The cop falls down the cliff side feet first and breaks his fall with your face; unintentionally, of course, but you were running from the law.  The cop gets up with just a few scrapes and bruises, by the way, and a fair amount of blood all over his right boot.  Not that anything is ever too scrupulously looked into, not with the trial of Steven of Axe going on.  Needless to say, you die.