You wake up later that night in a room that is very nearly perfectly white, but actually has a slightly nauseating tinge of baby-poop yellow in the paint.  You’re on a very fluffy bed and everything feels just awful, achy, and stiff- but wait, you can feel! Your body moves!
“I’m alive!  I’m okay!” You laugh with abandon at each little movement of your fingertips.  Something so small has never meant so much to you.  A few minutes later an attractive black-haired nurse with cute little fashion glasses walks in from a door that slides out of the far wall. 
“Oh,” the nurse says, “I hear that you’re alive.  That’s very good,” the nurse smiles a calming nursely smile.
“Where am I?” you ask, gleefully craning your neck to move around to the amusement of the nurse, “Can I take a walk?  I’d just love to move around for a bit.”
 “Oh,” the nurse says as if unsure, “I wish you could, but you’re being held here until a trial can be arranged for your…” the nurse looks down at a clipboard, “involvement with the recently captured villain Steven of Ace.”
“You,” you stutter, “do you mean Axe?”
“Oh, yes, that’s right,” the nurse says and shrugs.  The wall clock ticks to a second past midnight.