“Really?” the cop asks smugly, “Well, you’ve got one heck of a taste in people to get picked up with, anyway.  Ever hear of Steven?”
You look at him blankly.
“Steven of axe?”
You and the guy look at him blankly.
“He’s a mafia bounty hunter?  One of America’s Most Wanted?”
More blankness.
“Geez, you people need to watch more TV,” he scratches his forehead.  “Alright; outta the car, Steve.”
The guy shrugs, “My name isn’t Steve; it’s Pete-” the huge cop smashes his nightstick over the back of the guy’s head, sending his body reeling into the roof of the car.  The cop quickly cuffs him and throws him on the ground, unconscious.  His big nose looks broken and he’s got blood all over his blonde curls.  You

Try to attack the cop despite the disorienting feeling of being in a nightmare.

Ask who the heck “Steven of axe” is and try desperately to explain that the guy can’t be some kind of axe murderer.