You scream.  And scream.  And SCREAM UNTIL YOUR EARS FEEL BLOODY FROM IT ALL.  Three more uniformed cops run out from the station.  Some skateboarding teens on the sidewalk stop and give you freaky looks from between their denim jackets and plaid hats.  All the neighborhood birds decide to migrate to Tahiti for a looong vacation.  And you keep screaming.  You scream for so long it feels like your head is going to explode.  Your jaw aches and your Adam’s apple is into your nose but you just keep going.  You’re about to stop when one of the officers runs out with a double-barreled tranquilizer gun and fires it straight into your left tricep.  And your left calf.  And your right buttock.  You briefly wonder what genius thought up something as ineffective as a tranquilizer shotgun, then black out.