You start to argue, spouting off a million brilliant legal arguments from TV that would bring real-world judges to tears, but the policeman just looks at you over his aviators, seeming a little annoyed.  When you stop to take a breath, he throws his hot coffee all over your face and torso.  You can’t see or speak; everything is burning.  Your arms flail in an attempt to get the coffee away from you and you hit something squishy several times.  The next thing you know, you’re face down on the ground getting your hands cuffed together.  “Assaulting an officer,” the cop says simply, and throws you in the back of his car.
“WHAT?!” you scream and try to look angry through your barely-openable eyes, “You threw coffee all over me!”
“That’s no excuse, boy.”
You sigh and your eyes start tearing from the burning of the coffee… and nothing else.  “What did I do to deserve this?”